Oracle Cloud vs AWS for the simple action of publishing a static HTML5 website with domain managed by GoDaddy domains

I will slowly update my sad story with Oracle. From now on I will call Oracle CLoud services, the horrrible oracle.
so this is the assignation with object oriented syntax:
oracleCloudServices = horribleOracle;

I was trying to play in like a multi-cloud environment and I got bored with the annoying complexities to fire up an instance in this horrible cloud. I even got in touch with oracle chat support just to get more frustrated by the poor knowledge and advise to read the oudated horrible sucking documentation. Then I told him... "you know what, i am just going to do it in AWS! thanks!" in AWS it took me 7 minutes: set up a bucket, rout53 DNS translation goDaddy pointing domain uploading the static site to the bucket My site was working In oracle: 2 hours access confusing console
setting up compartments setting up secrity lists set up console access set up group of users permissions waste time reading outdated documentation
waste time with oracle support chat waste time installing software in hard to access ubuntu instance waste time figuring out how to expose port 80 and 443 to the world waste time reading outdated documentation that contradicts itself all the best choosing your cloud provider after this comparison


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