Imagining a life with IoT devices...A normal day


Imagine a normal day divided in morning afternoon and evening with IoT involvement for a married parent of 4 kids. The father is an avid user of technology and enjoys taking the best out of technological features.

He wakes up early in the morning thanks to a smart alarm device that at 5 am plays a nice music to enhance brain activity and turn the lights on to reduce melatonin production in the body and help him get out of bed as he is not a morning person.
devotional with tablet
after the devotionals he would wake his wife by the telling the the Voice User interface to play another song.

He would also ask what time is it or the VUI can remind him that is time to start to finish some more activities before getting ready for work. The VUI could also remind him that he should do some powerful work out to strengthen as a suggestion the arms, based on the training schedule that is on the fitness app from his mobile device. Once the work out is done and the fridge has already verified that there is an empty glass on the dispenser it would pour refreshing warm water at exactly 25 degrees as is he is very picky.

Based on his behavior pattern the VUI would remind Him that on that day one of the kids has a football match after school so that it would be good to pack some cheering gear and a good jackets as winter is very cold on those days.

He would go on and take a shower, instruct the digital assistant to set shower temperature to the desired almost cold refreshing bath.

Once he approaches the smart closet he would ask the digital assistant to surprise him with a random semi formal attire for that day. Random hangers and some drawers would light up making a suggestion and the digital assistant would recognize that the user agrees with the selection and would no ask further.

The dining table being the central point for family gatherings is totally digital and as everyone is having a big energetic breakfast the displays on the table start bllinking and notifying that the school bus will be coming in 5 minutes. The kids go out and Mom and dad finish their strong coffee. Mom asks the digital assistant to open the doors of the dishwasher to put the dirty cups and plates while dad fills the sink with hot water and soap to soak the dirty pots left at the stove.

As time is 7:15 in the morning the automated home system would identify each person in the house and notify mom whom is the bathroom applying her make up that is time to go in about 15 min. The digital mirror would then calculate and suggest if make up is done. The mirror would also show a status of weather, humidity, traffic to workplace, the most important event of the day and an encouraging quote for the day all of these while playing moms favorite romantic playlist with the bathrooms wireless speakers.

Dad is ready to go and says goodbye and on the way to the garage commands the digital assitant to start the self driving car, heat the front seat, the wheel, play certain playlist and open the garage's door. Dad gets in the car and tells the car to order a beautiful bouquet of Colombian roses for his wife as he feels it would be a good idea, dad also commands the car to go to the nearest convenient store near work as he forgot to drink a protein beverage.

the autonomous car drives dad to the convenient store and then to the workplace and parks itself in the available parking spot that was sent over by the automated parking system from his company.

The day at work is exciting and to have a nice lunch dad ask for a nice chicken, veggies, hot soup and salad to his smart-watch which will place the order and inform the price and time when it will arrive.

While having a late lunch dad wants to know where is everyone in the family so by using his smartphone he can track everyone and he can see his wife is on her way from picking up the two baby girls from grandma's house, he can see the two boys in college one in the football field and the other one in one of the schools buildings. Dad also takes a quick peak at the house and sees a warning status as  he forgot to switch off the light from one room. Dad taps the phone and turns off the light from that room.

after dad finishes his job earlier he grabs his phone and commands the digital assitant to prepare a route to go and pick up the roses, go pick up his wife and girls from home, go to the school for the game and finally asks to make a call to his wife. While talking over the phone and being next to the car he uses his smartwatch to unlock the cars door and start cars engine.

While the family is watching the game dad queries his phone for the performance of the opposite team, how to properly attract attention as a cheerful dad during sons' game and makes a quick reservation in a restaurant for a family dinner after the game.

Once everyone is home and they are about to sleep dad wants to have a quick status of the day so by opening a centralized management console in his phone he finds the status of the day with information he finds useful: metrics of family wearables such as average heart rate, blood pressure, number of steps taken, calories burnt, estimated hours of sleep, wife's menstrual cycle, classes that children took on that day, academic results of the kids. He would also check each family member's weekly calendar to see whats happening. While doing this the smart watch would suggest that he should have a warm herbal tea and would ask if is ok for him to start boiling the water in the smart kettle and would also suggest to add some lemon juice available in the fridge.

Finally dad takes a picture of the beautiful roses and ask the digital assistant to make a collage with picture of the roses bought today, the highlights of the day, with a message saying "what a great connected day it was!" and print it in the printer from work next day at 9:00.


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